Bringing New Technology and Standards to Saudi Arabia


The Future of FM in Saudi Arabia

AMG and Partners Holding, together with its UK partner companies, is bringing the UK standard, technology, and systems in historical restoration and facility management to Saudi Arabia. This is a significant step forward for the Kingdom, as it will help to preserve its rich cultural heritage and ensure that its facilities are managed in a sustainable and efficient manner.

The UK has a long history of excellence in historical restoration and facility management. Its standards are recognized around the world, and its companies are leaders in the field. By partnering with UK companies, AMG and Partners Holding is ensuring that it has access to the best possible expertise and technology.

The project will focus on three key areas:

The restoration of these historical sites will help to preserve Saudi Arabia's rich cultural heritage. It will also make these sites more accessible to visitors, which will boost tourism in the Kingdom.

1. Historical restoration

AMG and Partners Holding will work with UK experts to restore a number of important historical sites in Saudi Arabia. This will include the development of new conservation techniques and the use of innovative materials.

  • New conservation techniques: These techniques will take into account the unique climate and environment of the Kingdom, as well as the specific materials used in the construction of these sites.
  • Innovative materials: These materials will be durable and resistant to the harsh climate of Saudi Arabia. They will also be compatible with the traditional materials used in the construction of these sites.

The new facility management system will help to improve the efficiency of the Kingdom's facilities. It will also help to reduce the environmental impact of these facilities.

2. Facility management

AMG and Partners Holding will implement a new facility management system in Saudi Arabia. This system will be based on the UK standard, and it will help to ensure that the Kingdom's facilities are managed in a sustainable and efficient manner.

The new facility management system will include the following components:

  • A comprehensive asset register that will track the condition and location of all of the Kingdom's facilities.
  • A preventive maintenance program that will help to keep facilities in good condition and prevent costly repairs.
  • A reactive maintenance program that will respond to unexpected repairs and breakdowns.
  • A waste management program that will help to reduce the environmental impact of the Kingdom's facilities.

The training program will help to build capacity in the Kingdom and ensure that it has the skills and knowledge to preserve its heritage and manage its facilities effectively. This will contribute to the Kingdom's Vision 2030, which aims to make Saudi Arabia a global leader in the fields of culture, tourism, and sustainability.

3. Training

AMG and Partners Holding will provide training to Saudi professionals in historical restoration and facility management. This will help to build capacity in the Kingdom and ensure that it has the skills and knowledge to preserve its heritage and manage its facilities effectively.

The training program will cover the following topics:

  • Historical restoration techniques
  • Facility management principles
  • Sustainable building practices
  • Environmental impact assessment

The training program will be delivered by UK experts who have extensive experience in these fields. The program will be tailored to the needs of Saudi professionals, and it will be delivered in a way that is both informative and engaging.

Benefits of the project

The project will bring a number of benefits to Saudi Arabia, including:

Preserving the Kingdom's rich cultural heritage

The project will help to preserve the Kingdom's rich cultural heritage by restoring a number of important historical sites. This will help to ensure that these sites are preserved for future generations.

Improving the management of the Kingdom's facilities

The project will implement a new facility management system in Saudi Arabia. This system will be based on the UK standard, and it will help to ensure that the Kingdom's facilities are managed in a sustainable and efficient manner.

Building capacity in the Kingdom

The project will provide training to Saudi professionals in historical restoration and facility management. This will help to build capacity in the Kingdom and ensure that it has the skills and knowledge to preserve its heritage and manage its facilities effectively.

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